Monday, August 20, 2012

Mental Health and those of Fame

BEFORE I GET INTO The BLOG, I WOULD LIKE TO REMIND OUR READERS THAT The RECOVERY BLOG IS MOVING TO A NEW LOCATION: OUR BLOG WILL CONTINUE FROM OUR NEW HOME: I recently read an article from the New Yorker magazine over the internet concerning the rock star Bruce Springsteen. I can relate to parts of his emotional attitudes about his drive to success through his ambitions, being, “pure fear, self- loathing and self- hatred”. I experience some of these emotions every day, as I wake to go to work, what I have to do to do the work correctly or enjoyment, what I haven’t done, the traveling, meeting new people; those are the instances which cause me the fear I suffer from, in having to have a successful day. These are true demons in Bruce Springsteen’s life, the fear, loathing and hatred which he experiences and we all do at some time or another and experiencing these emotions, “demons” have you, always have an effect on our lives or any other emotion we might handle within our minds which are negative.
Feelings of loathing have always been a part of the realms of the artistic, whom are taking themselves beyond others whom they may feel less than of or the lesser by their own self-esteem, yet in the long run of this gamut of negative emotions, we are freeing ourselves and for a moment we are free from the negative, creating something we can feel rewarded for outside of the harbored blatant emotions.
Even rock stars get the blues: Bruce Springsteen talks depression - Los Angeles Times
Bruce Springsteen’s emotions show in the song entitled “The Streets of Philadelphia”, a song he wrote and produced which shows his loathing and fear of not only parts of society, yet of this world he has experienced through the knowing others. I listened to the song, and throughout, I feel the memories of my life toying with me, causing anger and fear and a deep sadness and loathing of the times I spent not only as a transient, yet as a vagrant and drug addict. I once considered my life as not worth living then, yet I am overcoming these emotions to make my life better. Bruce Springsteen thinks of himself as “a work in progress, this is a part of his good fortune and the stress he lives with as a part of his abilities and being important.” Being satisfied that you area as good as you are, is a show, and you’ll never be a success. He speaks of other actors and musicians, “the motivation, is the element of need to remake the self, where you live, the entire audience surrounding—and it is the desire of becoming renewed.” Knowing a person lives in doubt, and is critical of themselves is knowing that someone must find that niche of their own sanity and know that they have a vast world to deal with, and if you don’t, your first realization is that there isn’t anyone there to understand you and that you should understand that as a myth.
Written by Donald S.

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