We all have problems at one time or another and we all deal with our problems differently. Some of us do very well at dealing with problems yet others don’t. Some people, such as myself, “stuff their feelings and emotions and we do not fare so well at problem solving, eventually going months at a time compounding what troubles we have." When I first began therapy, even though I placed myself in the therapist hands at the request of family members, I did not want to believe I had any problems, or even a mental illness, because of my drug addictions, I was not the one who was ill, that is an old story with many people who face emotional distraught. When you have a mental illness, you have to realize that the illnesses are real and that it is important to face what is causing the illness.
We can’t always think these problems thru that are created by our illness, we must understand that therapy can help us where we may not be able to consider other persons helping us to solve our problems. The first thing we must be aware of is being honest, even if we don’t know our therapist. Know that your therapist is a professional who at best knows how to deal with feelings and emotions.
Put aside the stigma of “only crazy people have a therapist”, just because you have issues concerning an illness or your own emotions, doesn’t mean someone cannot help you handle them, that’s what a therapist does, helps you think through the haze of your illness or problems. Some people stay in therapy for months, others for years, so you must also realize your problem may not be solved overnight.
When you’re attending a therapy session you must understand that emotions are going to be brought out. These emotions and problems are what need to be faced and talking about them helps to undo the damage that was caused; don’t hold back, every thought counts to getting closer to overcoming the problems that beset you. It’s alright to feel remorse, pain or anger it is clearing the mind of these emotions so that you will feel better. It’s all about how your therapist will better help you through the process of getting beyond your illness and feeling better.
If you are afraid of group therapy, don’t be. Group therapy lets you know you are not alone, and within a group you can meet new people and gain further support. You are meeting people who have some of the same experiences you have and you can further relate with them as you can with your therapist or trusted family members or close friends.
Written By Donald S.
Monday, August 27, 2012
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