It may sound as if I am using this blog site as a diary, when in fact; I have helped myself to some astounding views about myself. Having the opportunity to attend a semester in a city college, to upgrade my knowledge for my employed state I realized I had not tolerance or patience for what I was doing until today. Working, going to school, keeping an apartment, single and taking Psychotherapeutic medicines is a chore. I never thought that being associated with MHCD would get me this far, yet I did the work and am still working on keeping my Mental Health symptoms in check.
When they say Patience is a virtue, it seems to me to be something beautiful. Time is not the enemy in Recovery, it is the self. We struggle to be unknown, to be accepted to be allowed to follow the footsteps of those we trust. Most of the time, we do not wait to “check” where we are headed and then again, if you are trusting, as I am, you’re still unsure of where you will be going. Mistakes can be made; yet with guidance we succeed somewhat in that we have pleased others as well as ourselves, and that is important.
Waiting is not patience. Waiting entails pacing and “twiddling” fingers and funny faces. Patience is thought and wisdom, guiding and being guided by truth and understanding. I followed some advice and I want to keep seeing into the present before me, without running beyond it, with understanding that I can keep feeling better.
Written by Donald G Sammons
I would like to share my experience that I do more and more work to come up from mental depression.
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Let go of your mistakes and move forward. You have been programmed to do, or that your own program to do something, be deep-rooted, it is difficult to change. Not impossible, but difficult.